【問題】Vinyasa Yoga?推薦回答

作者:Judith, Anodea, Ph.D.

As the architecture of the soul, the chakra system is the yoke of yoga--the means whereby mind and body, heaven and earth, and spirit and matter are joined together in the divine union that is the ...


  帶著你的瑜伽墊,本書就是你一生的瑜伽老師!!   轟動美、台、中瑜伽界的暢銷書作者   瑜伽教室熱門用書   生物力學+生理學+解剖學   以圖像直接記憶,適合任何程度的瑜伽練習者   可一邊翻閱一邊練習   . 西方骨科醫生+師事瑜伽大師艾揚格=這本瑜伽墊上解剖書   骨科醫生所撰寫的瑜伽解剖書,夠專業、夠正確!又師從東方首屈一指的瑜伽大師,直指瑜伽體位法的要義。 ...


帕達比.喬艾斯一百週年冥誕大開本紀念版 阿斯坦加瑜伽最重要的經典文獻 古儒吉親手撰著的著作,首度翻譯成繁體中文   瑜伽是百分之九十九的練習,和百分之一的理論。   「瑪拉」(mala)在梵文中是串聯的意思。印度的串聯有許多種含義,其中一種是念珠,它以聖珠穿線製成,可以讓人在念經唱咒的時候計算次數、保持專注。另外也有花環的意義,印度人會把芬芳的鮮花串成花環,放在家裡或寺廟中敬拜神明。...

作者:Rachel Tsai

我開始質疑人生的重心,是因為接觸瑜伽。瑜伽,是一趟持續不斷、尋求超越自我設限的過程,一趟無法回頭且沒有終點的旅程,而這趟旅程本身就自由、解脫。   ◆隨書附贈「輕柔做瑜伽」DVD:每天20分鐘,釋放脊椎、啟動消化、女性月事療癒、安撫神經系統   如果你覺得失落、悲傷、挫折或羞愧,  恭喜你,瑜伽的旅途從現在開始了……   人們常說:「我在做瑜伽。」但瑜伽是無法被「做」的,瑜伽只能被親身「體會...

作者:Thron, Raji

A thorough presentation of the dynamics of Vinyasa Yoga, imparting insights you won't find anywhere else Raji's integrative perspective show's how inner and outer form need to be balanced so Yoga ...

作者:Jois, Sri K. Pattabhi/ Sharath, R. (FRW)

The seminal treatise and guide to Ashtanga yoga by the master of this increasingly popular disciplineOne of the great yoga figures of our time, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois brought Ashtanga yoga to the Wes...

作者:Brown, Christina

Get the most out of your yoga workout The Modern Yoga Bible details up-to-date yoga practices and techniques that increase flexibility and strength, relieve stress, and calm the mind. Inside you'll...

作者:Rea, Shiva

Solar Flow is intended to revitalize and strengthen both beginning and intermediate students with the invigorating energy of the sun. A progressive program of 15 vinyasa (flow) sequences from sun s...

作者:Maehle, Gregor

Ashtanga Yoga: Practice and Philosophy is the first book of its kind, presenting a comprehensive guide to all eight limbs of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Join author Gregor Maehle, a seasoned yogi and co...

作者:Main, Darren

Everyday, millions of people roll out their yoga mats or sit on their meditation cushions in an effort to quiet the mind and heal the body. Some practice Iyengar yoga, while others practice vinyasa...

作者:Freeman, Richard/ Taylor, Mary/ Moon, Erin (NRT)

The Art of Vinyasa takes a unique look at Ashtanga yoga as meditation in motion that produces profound inner change. Two of the most well-respected teachers of the Ashtanga style of yoga, Richard F...

作者:Doswald, Nathalie

Our lives are stories told through our body and its movement. Yet many of us use our minds to understand those stories ignoring our bodies' wisdom. Consciously embodying the story of our lives (rat...

